How to Simplify Your Move

When you are at the first stages of moving, getting organized can seem like a lower priority. Getting pre-qualified for a mortgage, looking for homes available for purchase and the like all seem to take precedence. However, there are several benefits to getting your home organized ahead of schedule. For one, minimizing the clutter can help as you stage your home to be viewed by many prospective buyers. Additionally, getting your home prepared in the beginning is only going to save you more time when it actually comes to moving day. Here are 5 great tips that can help you get started for a more simplified move.
Create groups of items – Begin by sorting through your belongings. You may create a few piles with one for trash, one for donating or one to give to friends or family. You may even create an additional “maybe” pile for items you feel you may want to keep. Give yourself a time limit for this pile and revisit it after a short period of time.
Give yourself time – The process of getting organized does take some time. Especially where there may be sentimental items that require thought, be sure to give yourself enough time to go through everything.
Invest in clear plastic bins – Keeping your items packed away in clear plastic bins will keep everything stored away but also allows you to view what is inside. Alternatively, if you already have boxes or colored bins, be sure to clearly label what is inside.
Recycle paper – Many households have one common problem – a paper trail in each room. Whether it’s miscellaneous documents, old mail, newspapers, magazines or the like it can certainly start to collect. Consider scanning in anything valuable to an online storage location. Recycle all non valuable items and shred anything else that may have account numbers or personal information.
Begin now – Time can be your most valuable asset. Start as soon as you can as depending on your home’s size and the amount of possessions you have, getting organized may take some time. You can even go as far as scheduling some time slots in on your calendar to hold yourself accountable.