Top 10 Tips for Packing

Whether you have moved once or numerous times it is always cumbersome to devise a strategy in your packing so that things make sense on the other end when unpacking. In order to try to make things as smooth and seamless as possible, here are 10 tips to follow that will make the transition into your new home easier.
The Dresser
While it may be your instinct to remove all items from all drawers, that may not be best. Leave your lighter belongings in drawers such as some clothing or even clean sheets so you know exactly where they are when you arrive at your new home. Making the bed is one of the first essentials!
With books weighing a good amount, try packing these in smaller boxes. Also, pack those of similar size together for space efficiency.
Group “like” items
Always pack similar items of size and shape together. For example linens and clothes go well together while books and pictures do too.
Secure small items
When you can, try using some tape to not lose some smaller, loose items. For example you might want to tape the remote to the TV or place the screws from your bed in a sandwich bag and tape it to the headboard.
Fitted sheets for many uses
Fitted sheets are great for wrapping up your items. You can put them on both sides of your mattresses for the move to keep them protected. You can also wrap other items such as small furnishings. They are easy to wash too after your move is complete.
Always include padding
Sometimes you need to keep things from moving around in boxes during your move to keep them secure. Before you spend on packing peanuts, use what you have. Clothing items, towels or linens and even stuffed animals can all be great things to fill spaces in boxes.
Get a Sharpie handy. First label your boxes with the room they go in, then name the items. For example “Kitchen – Pots & Pans” will allow you to quickly place boxes in the right room when you arrive, then unpack them in the proper order.
Dishes stand a better chance on their edge as opposed to stacked believe it or not. Be sure to wrap them each so they are well padded and use towels or similar to cushion all around them in the box. Special packing is also available for dishes as well if you want to be extra cautious.
Using boxes for everything will be best as they stack easily and will keep your truck and move well organized. Keep all like items together and avoid using too many larger boxes as they can become heavy very quickly.
Miscellaneous Box
Keep one box for some essentials. This box should include some basic tools, tape, pens, perhaps some snacks, utensils and maybe even your coffee maker. This will be your one “go to” box when you move in.