Oakland Park may get a Downtown

Oakland Park could see some major plans for development in its Culinary Arts district. Currently, the government of Oakland Park anchors the area and the city is planning on expanding with a private developer to create a commercial and residential complex.
City Hall would be located in a mixed-use complex that would be located in what is now the two large green parcels at the intersection of 38th Street and Dixie Highway. The new development would include two, six story buildings with offices, residential homes and commercial space allotted for retail and restaurant.
Across the street at City Hall’s existing location, plans have been put forth by collaborating developer, Integra Investments, to create an over 30,000 square foot office space building that will be home to City Hall as well as over 32,000 square feet of space for retail, restaurant, 101 residential units and parking for 343 vehicles.
“The residential and commercial, mixed-use component is exactly what we think will help spur the sustainability of our downtown,” Oakland Park city manager David Hebert says, citing high expectations for the residential units. Funky Buddha has been an anchor of our downtown, and this development is literally across the street from that location,” he says, “and I believe there are a lot of people who would be intrigued at the prospect of living near or right across the street from one of their favorite local hangouts.”
The current City Hall structure is very old and was not originally built to be this government building. The building is in great need of repair and updating anyway as proven during hurricane Irma where it lost connectivity for an extended period of time. Necessary improvements would be costly.
The development is a long way from being constructed. The city is still undergoing negotiations with the private developer. Additionally, a remedy of a contaminated lot in the location would also need to be identified. Projections have been shared that construction for the new home of City Hall and the rest of the complex is unlikely to be completed before the year 2020. Although many would like to see things progress faster, it is likely going to be a few years.