Home Improvement Ideas For Custom Budgets

Unless you are extremely particular on a regular basis, most homes will need some sprucing up for when it comes time to put them on the market for sale. As not everyone has an endless amount of funds for enhancing the home they are selling, here are some great ideas for improving your home based on your own comfortable budget.
Under $250 – Like they always say, “a little paint goes a long way.” This is true for both increasing appearances but also for getting a lot out of a small budget. If any rooms are tired looking or perhaps too risky of a color, fresh paint can help. Other ideas in this budget include investing in some nice flowers or plantings for your yard.
$250-750 – On the low end you could consider hiring a professional cleaning company to do a deep clean of your home. This may also include some power washing of any exterior areas that need it too. For physical enhancements you may want to upgrade any old or dated fixtures or even a bathroom vanity.
$750-1,500 – If you have any old appliances like a beat up stove or washer that is dated, consider upgrading to new and energy efficient models. Tankless water heaters can also be a great value add as they save on energy and your monthly utility costs. On the higher end you could also replace your front door with something more inviting or add crown molding to your primary rooms.
$1,500-3,000 – In this range you can consider things like upgrading your lighting perhaps in your kitchen. Add sconces, pendants or some under cabinet task lighting. You may even be able to open up a dark bedroom or dining room by adding a glass door leading outside.
$3,500-5,000 – This amount will help you repair any worn driveways, walkways or patios outside. You may also consider upgrading/replacing any flooring that is damaged or outdated. Modern flooring can really have a big impact on prospective buyers.
$5,000 or more – When you can afford to spend this amount, where it is substantial you will want to give ample thought to what is necessary for achieving a higher price. In some cases it may be worth doing a new roof or in others you may want to consider a kitchen remodel. As your experienced realtor I am happy to provide you with my expert opinion on what makes most sense for your home in this market.