Andy Weiser Fort Lauderdale Realtor Blog

Outdoor Kitchen Design Considerations

Everyone loves the outdoors and especially here in the beautiful Fort Lauderdale area. Spending more time outdoors is why we all live here and what better to dine outdoors than to cook outdoors. An outdoor kitchen offers another gathering space, just like how your primary kitchen often tends to be the spot where everyone convenes for your family and guests alike. Before you go making plans for adding one to your home, consider these helpful tips. 

Who You Need To Hire

Usually you will want to hire a general contractor for this type of job as they can make necessary arrangements for important things like plumbing and electrical work. Sometimes companies that sell outdoor appliances will even have names of resources. However, if you are adding a kitchen that is integrated into your landscaping, you may want to reach out to a landscape architect.

The Location

If you want to get the most out of it, you need to pick a location where it will be easy to use. Typically this will be near the most used exit of your home so that it is easily accessed. Aside from this, locating it near any focal point or area that offers lounging or seating may be a good runner up. 

The Design

The look and feel of the kitchen should be consistent with your landscaping and home’s style. If you add a pizza oven and cover with a tiki bar grass roof, make sure you tie everything together perhaps with a matching granite counter that is complementary. 


The appliances can really dictate just how much of a full kitchen that you are looking to do. Some opt for more of a cooking station that offers a built in grill and counter space while others build theirs out plumbed for a sink and add an under counter refrigerator making beverages simple for serving. Take it one step further and consider what you will need for storage for your pots, pans and utensils.

Other Considerations

Once you have planned for all of the basic needs, now it is time to tie it all together. Other niceties that can help is adding fans to either posts or ceilings nearby for cooling. Additionally, make sure you factor in necessary lighting. Evening barbeques are great but you want to be sure you can see what you are serving!

The Updates That Buyers Want These Days

Getting the highest price is a common goal that most sellers will aim for other than wanting a quick and clean sale when selling their home. Getting your home in excellent condition but with the most desired upgrades will help pave your path for success. Here are some of the best home improvements that have a higher return on investment.  

Home Exterior Upgrades

Stone masonry – Basic or dated, stamped siding can be upgraded with adding some real stone work to really increase the elegance factor of your home’s facade. 

Front door – Among one of the most important features that makes a great first impression is your front door. Upgrade it to something that is architecturally pleasing and then paint it an eye-catching color for a winning look.

Garage doors – Just like your front entry door, garage doors can have a significant influence on your home’s look. Neutral colors and styles that match your home’s design are the way to go to make your home look more classy. 

Home Interior Upgrades 

Kitchen upgrade – Before you think about a full gut job, you may not need to completely redo it. Try focusing on updating the essential elements that may be outdated including cabinets, counters, appliances and giving it a fresh coat of paint. 

Bathroom upgrade – A good idea for a bathroom upgrade is to install a walk-in shower. A shower that is level with the floor will give a luxurious look but is also easy to access and handicapped accessible. Additional upgrades to consider include taller toilets and support bars. 

Windows – Most buyers nowadays are concerned with aesthetics but also desire efficiency. The quality of your windows is paramount for conserving energy, controlling monthly costs and of course lowering insurance costs if they are high impact. New windows are among a top investment that yields a great return when it comes time to sell. 

Finally, if you are not in a position where you have the time or money to invest in your home before selling then you can consider some very low cost upgrades to your decor. You can do things like adding ample lighting and illuminating dark rooms with floor lamps or add some interest to your living room with a new area rug and throw pillows on the seating areas. 


7 Indicators That You Are Ready To Sell

We all experience a time when you begin to think – am I ready to move? Maybe you have been thinking about a different location, a larger house or something else that triggers these thoughts. You may wonder if you are in the best position to make a move or if it is a good time to do it. Here are 7 signs that you are ready to sell your home. 

You have equity

For most people this is the biggest factor – having enough equity in their current home to comfortably sell. For many years now home prices have been on the rise and with demand being as such, there is a strong chance that you would have equity to be able to sell with possibly some money left over to put towards your next residence.

You are debt free

Take a good look at your current financial situation. If you have paid off all of your major debt (aside from your current mortgage) and have enough money leftover for a handful of month’s worth of living expenses then you are probably in a good spot. It’s worth mentioning that if you have enough equity then you may even be able to pay off some debt with that during the process.

You are emotionally ready

For most, selling a home can be emotional. It is often your most valuable possession, a place where many memories have been made and at the end of the day – it is your home. Ask yourself if you are ready to say goodbye and move on to another location to establish a new domain.

You can afford an upgrade

Your move may be tethered to a growing family or maybe even a new job that you want to live closer to. Whatever the impetus, do some math to ensure that you can comfortably afford it. Most will recommend that you keep your monthly payment to 25% or less of your take home pay.

You have cash on hand

Even if you have some good equity in your current home, you will still need money for closing costs on your new home along with incidental expenses such as movers. Your mortgage agent should be able to give you some rough numbers on what to plan for in the way of closing costs. 

You have market knowledge

While nobody has a crystal ball to predict the market’s future, we do still have data to inform us of trends. In case you haven’t had your finger on the pulse of what is happening around you in your particular market, a great resource for this data is your real estate agent.

You have a real estate agent

Finally, having a trusted real estate agent like myself is an excellent resource for you to review your thoughts on selling and moving. Share your living situation, financial footing and goals to get some good honest advice on what would be best as you start to plan.

Creating a Calming Zone at Home

The way we view our homes has slightly changed over the past year. Nowadays everyone is looking for things like more space, a place for working at home, perhaps a home gym and now a space dedicated to meditation or relaxation. This may be a corner of a guest room or even a shed in the backyard. Here are some great ideas for how you can create a calming zone like this within your home.

Identify the location

First, you must find the perfect location for this relaxation retreat. While the space does not need to be huge, you should definitely search for something that offers some privacy. This could be sectioning off a part of a guest room or finding a spot that is mostly unused in or outside of the home.

Keep it simple

You will want a space that offers comfort where you can sit or lie, but don’t crowd it with too much else. Keeping things minimal with a cozy chair and pillows is a good place to start. Then make sure it is kept tidy and free of distractions like harsh colors, mirrors and even family photos. 

Appeal to the senses

It is all about pleasant elements that make you feel happy and relaxed. Warm or soft lighting for what you see, soothing music or white noise like rain for what you hear and perhaps some nice scented candles for what you smell. Pillows or throw blankets that are soft to the touch can also be a nice add.

Leverage nature

If a semi outdoor location is an option that can be best as you connect with nature. If not, you can bring the outdoors inside. A room with a large window to the garden or having many plants around can create a more natural and calming environment. 

Add calming details

Other than these elements that make the room meditation ready, consider some personal touches that take it one step further. It may be that you make the room feel more like a spa if that environment makes you feel most relaxed. Perhaps if your home has a view of a nearby park that you like then you set up your room where you can view it best. Whatever elements that speak to you personally that are calming should be factored into your design.

The Things That Dictate How Quickly Your Home Will Sell

Preparing your home for sale is all about timing for the whole process from start to finish. There is planning that goes into getting it ready, negotiation and the transaction. While it is pretty clear on how long it will take you to get it ready for putting it on the market for sale, nobody has a crystal ball to tell them how long it will take to actually sell. What we do know is there are some statistics that will give us an idea of how long it will take but there are also several other factors that have a direct impact on the time it takes to sell. Here is a closer look at them.

Average sale times of comps

A big influence on your sale time will be your location. While nationally things are selling faster than usual, your particular area can dictate how long to expect to sell. The local comps will have data including the average time on market to use as a benchmark. 

Local supply and demand

Nationally we see that buyer demand is high and inventory is low. Buyers are being enticed by historically low interest rates and there isn’t enough inventory to keep the market in balance. This factor can fluctuate in one direction more or less depending on other local influences such as school rankings, public transportation, etc. 

Home’s condition

Most buyers will be looking for something that is move-in ready. The majority of people will want to purchase a home and not have to worry about organizing or financing additional repairs or major upgrades. Additionally, homes that may have underlying issues may be discovered during the inspection process which can extend negotiations and in turn prolong the selling process.


Your home’s general appearance can also have a big influence on how quickly it will sell. Statistically speaking homes that are staged will sell faster as not everyone can visualize its potential. Keeping the home clean, decluttered, freshly painted and well staged matters.

List price

Overpricing your home can be detrimental to its sale and your final selling price. A price too high will rule out some buyers, make it sit longer on the market and potentially solicit a low ball offer. Pricing it at market value or even slightly under can help you garner a lot of interest by serious buyers that can even result in a bidding war where you get more than expected. 

Your negotiating 

Finally, your negotiation methods and willingness to budge will also play into your timeframe. Those who hold out for asking price or don’t negotiate on terms will certainly run the risk of extending selling time. Ultimately the power is in the seller’s hands on what they choose to work with to get their home sold. 


5 Homebuying Myths Debunked

Taking the plunge from renting into homeownership certainly involves some important steps but may not be as unattainable as you think. From cash to credit you will want to be in a good position to make this move, but there are other things to consider as well as some myths to clear up about the process. Here are some items to set straight.

Homeownership means a lot of debt

Some may think at first that having a mortgage means you will be incurring a lot of debt. While needing to pay your mortgage regularly may be true, homeownership has its advantages. As you pay your mortgage down every month you essentially gain equity. This can almost act as like a savings account in some ways. You can potentially pull out equity down the road and use it for other things, or cash out when you sell. Owning a home with equity is also often a factor in one’s retirement plan.

20% Down is needed

This is often the thought of many because if you put down less than 20% then you will be required to pay private mortgage insurance or PMI. Plenty of people do this and put as little as 5% down on some properties and just have to pay a small monthly fee until their home has more than 20% equity in it. Ultimately it is a small price to pay for being able to own a home sooner than later.

Credit score must be perfect

Surely the better your credit score, the easier it will be to secure a lower interest loan. However, there are mortgage programs that have lower credit and income requirements that you can look into. It is worth mentioning that once you do secure a home loan this can overtime help you improve your credit as well. 

Now is not the time to buy

If it is a buyer’s market or if rates are low like they are today, then it can be a great time to buy a home. Also, if you are financially ready to buy and if it is time to upgrade your home then that certainly plays an important role in timing as well. Nobody has a crystal ball to know what will happen tomorrow, but if you prepare well then it is the right time to make a move.

It will be hard to relocate

Some think they don’t want to buy as they will be stuck in a home. First, it is most often recommended to view a real estate purchase as at least a 3 year investment. This can help you manage any market twists while you get a sense of your new space. Should the market remain healthy, you can potentially sell much sooner than that as well or consider renting out the home if need be.

Ready to take the plunge? Contact me today!